Memories from this month two years ago.
If you're like us, it didn't take your memories on Facebook to remember how this month marks two years since COVID-19 caused the booming DFW metroplex to stand still. In the midst of a scary and troublesome time for our world, we watched God use shutdowns to allow us to show up and serve Him as a healthcare ministry during a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic. As we look back at the memories from the last two years, we're lamenting all that was lost yet celebrating how God has always sustained His people through tragedy, uncertainty, division, and chaos. These past two years, God has been in our midst, continuing to provide opportunities to serve others in His name through healthcare services. Walk down memory lane with us...
Do you remember when...
we saw everyday heroes within our body show up and serve on the frontlines while the rest of the world shut down?
the Dallas campus parking lot transformed into a drive-through testing site for 2,000+ patients?
pop-up clinics laid the foundation for partnerships with other local ministries and prepared the team for crisis response situations?
God proved to be Emmanuel, God WITH us as he sustained healthcare workers through five different COVID-19 surges over the past two years?
God uniquely positioned our team to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, having prepared us years in advance?
God used our clinics and testing site to care for Dallas' uninsured essential worker community?
God allowed us not only to keep our doors open, but to take our services TO the hurting via our mobile clinic?
We invite you to join us in reflecting on all the ways God has moved in the last two years by reading stories in our 2020 & 2021 year-end reviews. We pray God will give you eyes to see how He has been at work in your own life as well. No matter how difficult the past two years have been, we serve a God who is with us. May these stories be a testimony of who HE is!
Partner With Us as we serve the city's healthcare needs and share about this God who is with us and His good news throughout DFW!