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Wellness Collective



Sign up for PART ONE of our Summer Webinar Series:

Grief and Healthcare

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At Wellness Collective 2024, we were excited to announce our limited webinar series that will launch late in the Summer. Sign up here for updates, you won't want to miss this!

Video Conference

2024 Conference Sessions 

Be sure to sign up for our Summer Webinar Series if you haven't already! 

Session One: The Unique Opportunity in Healthcare with Ben Mckinney, MD

2024 Training

In this powerful session, Dr. Ben McKinney addresses the daunting challenges in healthcare today, including rising rates of diabetes, anxiety, depression, and soaring healthcare costs. Despite these challenges, he encourages you to find hope and purpose through a deeper connection with Jesus Christ, emphasizing that true healing begins with faith.  Dr. McKinney highlights the importance of recognizing each person's inherent value, urging you to integrate faith into your practice and lives.

The Unique Opportunity in Healthcare- Dr. Ben McKinney

Session Two: The Science Behind Spiritual Engagement with Paige Delgado, RN

2024 Training

Join Paige Delgado, a registered nurse with eight years at Watermark Health, as she shares how her faith has transformed her approach to healthcare. With insights from her ICU experience, she offers practical tips for integrating spirituality into patient care, highlighting its positive impact on satisfaction, quality of life, and overall health outcomes.

The Science Behind Spiritual Engagement

Session Three: A Panel with Providence Okaalet MD,  Katy Vogelaar NP, & Kevin Aduddell, DDS

2024 Training

In this session, healthcare professionals from Watermark Health share how integrating faith into their medical practice has impacted their lives. Dr. Providence Okaalet, Dr. Katie Voglaar, and Dr. Kevin Aduddell discuss balancing their work, family, and faith, offering tips on navigating faith conversations and preventing burnout. Tune in for insights on prioritizing spiritual and family lives while leading by example in the healthcare profession.

Watermark Health Panel Discussion

Session Four: The Generosity of Caregiving with Pastor Oscar Castillo

2024 Training

In this session, Pastor Oscar Castillo shares his journey growing up in El Salvador and reveals the transformative power of generosity in caregiving. Highlighting biblical principles, he calls for a deeper understanding of our roles in healing and serving others. Join Oscar as he motivates caregivers to embrace their vocation as a divine mission, fostering dignity and hope in a broken world.

The Generosity of Caregiving
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